Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee
Organic Dr. Pandalis Meadowsweet Tea

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Ein Produkt der:

Naturprodukte Dr. Pandalis GmbH & Co. KG
Füchtenweg 3
49219 Glandorf

mehr Info

Naturprodukte Dr. Pandalis GmbH & Co. KG
Füchtenweg 3, D-49219 Glandorf
Tel.: +49 5426 3481
Fax: +49 5426 3482
E-Mail: info@pandalis.com
Internet: www.pandalis.de

U.St.-Id.Nr. DE 164357471
Handelsregister AG Osnabrück HRA 110331
Dr. Pandalis GmbH, AG Osnabrück HRB 110396
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Georgios Pandalis

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Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee | 100 g | PZN 13352108 | empf. VK € 18,20
auf den Merkzettel

Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee | 30 g  (20 infusion bags of 1.5 g) | PZN 15611525 | empf. VK € 6,27
auf den Merkzettel

PZN = Pharmazentralnummer: hilfreich beim Kauf in der Apotheke

Meadowsweet blossoms from controlled organic wild collection of European origin.

Product description

How the meadowsweet got its name, remains it's secret. Meadowsweet was formerly used to flavor mead, so today's name may have been derived from that. Already among the Celts the meadowsweet was considered a "sacred plant" and was worshiped because of the manifold applications. The meadowsweet was considered a queen among the plants in druids and "herbal witches". The Druids promised themselves the expulsion of demons and evil spirits. The powers of the meadowsweet flowers should also have an invigorating and cleansing effect on our blood. Meadowsweet is also known as "meadow queen" or "spiraea". What hardly anyone knows: aspirin is derived from these names, as the research of meadowsweet was considered as the basis for the development of aspirin. Unfortunately, aspirin is chemically isolated, but the original form in meadowsweet is natural and indigenous.

Recommended daily intake

Pour 200 ml of fresh, boiling water over 1 teaspoon (1.5 g) of Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee and leave it covered for 10 minutes.


Drink one cup daily.

Additional information

The history of meadowsweet flowers and their well-known use is also known to Dr. Pandalis - an indigenous nutritional tip is Meadowsweet tea in combination with fresh bear's garlic leaves and fatty sea fish. Even in the cold season, a hot cup of Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee is the right choice. Finally, we can recommend the meadowsweet flowers with a clear conscience, because, true to our philosophy, our Mädesüßblüten Dr. Pandalis Bio Tee contains  the aromatic fragrant white-yellow flowers of meadowsweet from certified organic wild collection of European origin - a novelty in the pharmacy.
