Ein Produkt der:
Naturprodukte Dr. Pandalis GmbH & Co. KG
Füchtenweg 3
49219 Glandorf
Cichorii Herba, dandelion leaves, bitter orange rind, apple, wild artichoke leaves, nettle leaves
– All ingredients from controlled organic cultivation –
Urbitter® organic tea is composed of bitter-tasting wild herbs, vegetables and fruits. During its preparation, the natural “bitter compounds” are released into the hot water, giving the tea its characteristic taste. Native wild plants that have been known in Europe for a long time are selected for the Urbitter® organic tea.
Only in September 2013 did analyses carried out by an independent laboratory (Eurofins Food GmbH) repeatedly confirm that the pyrrolizidine alkaloid content in Urbitter® organic tea is below the detection limit.
per cup, pour fresh, boiling water over 1 teabag of Urbitter® organic tea, cover the cup and allow to infuse for 7–10 minutes.
For connoisseurs: You can flavour the tea some more with honey, brown sugar or an untreated slice of lemon